Breaking Swift with reference counted structs

In Swift, a class type is allocated on the heap, uses reference counting to track its lifetime and can perform cleanup behaviors when it is deleted. By contrast, a struct is not separately allocated on the heap, does not use reference counting and cannot perform cleanup behaviors.


In reality all of these traits “heap”, “reference counting” and “cleanup behaviors” can be true of struct types too. Be careful though: out-of-character behaviors are a good way to cause problems. I’m going to show how a struct can end up with some of the traits you might associate with a class and show how this can be a source of memory leaks, errant behavior and compiler crashes.

THIS ARTICLE IS OUT OF DATE AS OF SWIFT 3: While it is still possible to have a heap allocated, reference counted struct with cleanup behaviors in Swift 3, it is no longer possible to capture a reference to self in a struct method as described in this article. The problems detailed in section 2 in this article have been fixed in Swift 3 and the remainder of this article is merely a historical artefact. Don’t worry: you’re better off as a result.

Class fields in a struct

While a struct doesn’t usually have any deinit behavior, values of struct type are required (like all other values in Swift) to correctly maintain reference counts for their contents. Any reference counted field within the struct must have its reference counts correctly incremented and decremented as they are added to the struct and when they are removed, or when the struct is deleted.

We can exploit the fact that reference counted fields are decremented when a struct falls out of scope to attach behaviors to the struct as though it had a deinit method.

To do this, all we need to do is add a class field to a struct:

struct OrdinaryStruct {
   let classField: SomeClass

An example of using this effect productively is to attach an OnDelete field to your struct. An OnDelete class runs a customized closure at cleanup:

public final class OnDelete {
   var block: () -> Void
   public init(_ @escaping c: () -> Void) {
      block = c
   deinit {

Here’s an example struct named DeletionLogger that uses an OnDelete class to write to standard output when it is deleted:

struct DeletionLogger {
   let od = OnDelete { print("DeletionLogger deleted") }

do {
   let dl = DeletionLogger()
   print("Not deleted, yet")
   withExtendedLifetime(dl) {}

which will output:

Not deleted, yet
DeletionLogger deleted

Trying to access a struct from a closure

So far, there’s nothing too strange. An OnDelete object can perform a function at cleanup time for a struct, a little like a deinit method. But while it might appear to mimic the deinit behavior of a class, an OnDelete closure is unable to do the most important thing a deinit method can do: operate on the fields of the struct.

Despite some obvious reasons why it’s a bad idea, let’s try to access the struct anyway and see what goes wrong. We’ll use a simple struct that contains an Int value and we’ll try to output the value of the Int when the OnDelete closure runs.

struct Counter {
   let count = 0
   let od = OnDelete { print("Counter value is \(count)") }

We can’t do this (error: Instance member 'count' cannot be used on type 'SomeStruct'). That’s not so strange though: we wouldn’t be allowed to do that, even on a class since you’re not allowed to access other fields from an initializer like that.

Let’s initialize the struct properly and then try to capture one of its fields.

struct Counter {
   let count = 0
   var od: OnDelete? = nil
   init() {
      od = OnDelete { print("Counter value is \(self.count)") }

This is no longer possible in Swift 3. It prevents us doing anything this profoundly silly with the error message: “Closure cannot implicitly capture a mutating self parameter”.

The compiler throws a segmentation fault in Swift 2.2 and a fatal error in Swift Development Snapshot 2016-03-24.

Excellent! I’m having fun already.

Of course, I could avoid all compiler problems by doing this:

struct Counter {
   var count: Int
   let od: OnDelete
   init() {
      let c = 0
      count = c
      od = OnDelete { print("Counter value is \(c)") }

or the seldom-seen capture list which, in this case, is equivalent:

struct Counter {
   var count = 0
   let od: OnDelete?
   init() {
      od = OnDelete { [count] in print("Counter value is \(count)") }

but neither of these options actually let us access the struct itself; both these options capture an immutable copy of the count field but we want access to the up-to-date mutable count.

struct Counter {
   var count = 0
   var od: OnDelete?
   init() {
      od = OnDelete { print("Counter value is \(self.count)") }

As before, this is no longer possible in Swift 3.

Hooray! That’s better. Everything is mutable and shared. We’ve captured the count variable and there are no compiler crashes.

We should ship this code since it clearly works, doesn’t it?

Completely loopy

It clearly doesn’t work. If we run the code the same way as before:

do {
   let c = Counter()
   print("Not deleted, yet")
   withExtendedLifetime(c) {}

the only output we get is:

Not deleted, yet

The OnDelete closure is not getting invoked. Why?

Looking at the SIL (Swift Intermediate Language, as returned by swiftc -emit-sil), it’s clear that capturing self in the OnDelete closure prevents self from being optimized to the stack. This means that instead of using alloc_stack, the self variable is allocated using alloc_box:

%1 = alloc_box $Counter, var, name "self", argno 1 // users: %2, %20, %22, %29

and the OnDelete closure retains this alloc_box.

Why is this a problem? It’s a reference counted loop:

  • closure retains the boxed version of Counter → the boxed version of Counter retains OnDeleteOnDelete retains closure

With this loop created, our OnDelete object is never deallocated and never invokes its closure.

Can we break the loop?

If Counter was a class, we would capture it using a [weak self] closure and avoid the reference counted loop that way. However, since Counter is a struct, attempting to do that is an error. No luck there.

Can we break the loop manually, after construction, by setting the od field to nil?

var c = Counter()
c.od = nil

Nope. Still doesn’t work. Why not?

When the Counter.init function returns, the alloc_box it creates is copied to the stack. This means that the version OnDelete has retained is different from this version we can accces. The version OnDelete has is now inaccessible.

We’ve created an unbreakable loop.

As Joe Groff highlights in this thread on Twitter, Swift evolution change SE-0035 should prevent this problem by limiting inout capture (the kind of capture used in the Counter.init method) to @noescape closures (which would prevent capture by OnDelete’s escaping closure).

Copies bad, shared references good?

So the problem is that a different copy of self is returned by the Counter.init method than the version we capture during the method. What we need is to make the returned and retained versions the same.

Let’s avoid doing anything in an init method and instead set things up in static function instead.

struct Counter {
   var count = 0
   var od: OnDelete? = nil
   static func construct() -> Counter {
      var c = Counter()
      c.od = OnDelete{
         print("Value loop break is \(c.count)")
      return c

do {
   var c = Counter.construct()
   c.count += 1
   c.od = nil

Nope: we still have the same problem. We’ve got a captured version of Counter, permanently embedded in OnDelete, that’s different to the returned version.

Let’s change that static method…

struct Counter {
   var count = 0
   var od: OnDelete? = nil
   static func construct() -> () -> () {
      var c = Counter()
      c.od = OnDelete{
         print("Value loop break is \(c.count)")
      return {
         c.count += 1
         c.od = nil

do {
   var loopBreaker = Counter.construct()

The output is now:

Counter value is 1

This finally works, and we can see the state change from the loopBreaker closure is correctly affecting the result printed in the OnDelete closure.

Now that we’re no longer returning the Counter instance, we’ve stopped making a separate copy of it. There is only one copy of the Counter instance and that’s the alloc_box version shared by the two closures. We have a referenced counted struct on the heap and an OnDelete method that can access the fields of the struct at cleanup time.

Some perspective

The code technically “works” but the result is a mess. We have a reference counted loop that we need to manually break, we can only access the Counter type through closures set up in the construct function and for a single underlying instance we now have four heap allocations (the closure in OnDelete, the OnDelete object itself, the boxed allocation of the c variable and the loopBreaker closure).

If you haven’t realized by now… this has all been a big waste of time.

We could just have made the Counter a class in the first place, keeping the number of heap allocations to 1.

class Counter {
   var count = 0
   deinit {
      print("Counter value is \(count)")

Long story short: if you need access to the same mutable data from different scopes, a struct probably isn’t a great choice.


Closure capture is something we just write and assume the compiler will do what is required. However, capturing mutable values has a few, subtly different semantics, that may need to be understood to avoid problems. This is complicated by a couple minor design issues that we’re still waiting on Swift 3 to fix.

Remember to consider the possibility of reference counted loops when capturing struct values with class fields. You can’t weakly capture a struct so if a reference counted loop occurs, you’ll need to break the loop another way.

In any case, most of this article has looked at a completely stupid idea: trying to make a struct capture itself. Don’t do that. Capturing, like other reference counting structures, should be an acyclic graph. If you find yourself trying to make loops, it’s probably because you should be using class types with weak links from child to parent.

Finally, there are some good reasons to use an OnDelete class but don’t start thinking it works like a deinit method – it’s predominantly for side effects (state outside the scope to which it’s attached).